Plastic Ocean Project is a non-profit organization based in Wilmington, North Carolina. The organization is facing the global plastic pollution crisis head-on by pursuing tangible science-based solutions as well as educating and bringing awareness to the public. In addition, the organization leads cleanups as well as other activities around New Hanover Country in North Carolina.
Responsible and managed social media across multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and company websites totaling over 14 thousand followers. Created, edited, and managed written, video, and photo content in order to create informative and engaging content. Created development advertising strategies for Instagram.
Graphic Design
Prodast by Waterloop Episode #132: Projects for Plastic Ocean
This was a promotional and informational graphic that was published on the Plastic Ocean Project Instagram to notify followers of Executive Director of Plastic Ocean Project, Bonnie Monteleone, as the guest speaker.
Trash'n Fash'n Show advertisement informational graphic
This is an annual event held to encourage the future generations to become aware of waste as well as inspire creativity. The local community of all ages are welcome to participate as well.